Last year, just before I published my first novel—My Mother’s Friend—on October 6th, I blogged about it. It seems silly for Sally’s Soliloquies to ignore the December 3, 2023 launch of the eagerly awaited sequel, My Mother’s Son. I'm sure I can find something to say about it. (I’m a writer—of course I can.)
For several days after Christmas last December, we once again found ourselves in a cabin at Claytor Lake State Park in southwest Virginia. It was our fourth time (but Bart's first, as far as we know), spending all those short days and long nights at the lake. (Many of you have probably surmised we’re not “fun in the sun” kind of people, so winter lake adventures seem reasonable for us. It’s incredibly peaceful and comfortable and cozy and inviting at that time of year. And it’s a great place to be productive if you’re writing a book.) At one point we needed a plumber (for the kitchen sink, not the bathroom!), and before long a nice fellow named Kevin showed up and fixed what needed fixing. We chatted for a while and (of course) I gave him one of my business cards. Later in January, Kevin emailed to say he ordered my book! (Not sure if he read it. I’ll assume he did. Actually, he might be reading this blog. 😊 )
My primary goal for that week at the lake was to commence writing My Mother’s Son on December 29th. I chose that start date for two reasons: one, it’s my birthday (shhh—don’t spread that around!); and two, on that date in 2017, I began writing My Mother’s Friend in a cabin at Claytor Lake State Park. I finished draft one of “Son” in just three months! That was a shocker—it took me eighteen months to finish the first draft of “Friend.” Over the next few months, I self-edited a few times, then handed it over to two beta readers (thank you, Joe and Amy), fresh eyes to tell me what worked and what didn’t work. Eventually my editor got it. (Thank you, Jan. It’s very comforting, knowing your “baby” is in such good hands.) At some point in August, I gave the manuscript and a completed, detailed Book Production Form to the folks at selfpublishing.com (much less scary the second time around) who took care of the cover design (they use miblart.com, a company in the Ukraine), the formatting, and various and sundry other details. Everything seems to be coming together for my launch on Sunday. I am encouraged and relieved.
My calendar reminds me about two events that are coming up later in December. On the 13th I’ll be speaking to a book club in Hardy, Virginia, and I’ll be signing books at Book No Further in downtown Roanoke on the 15th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. If you’re in the area, I’d love to see you. It’s the final night of Dickens of a Christmas (6:00 pm to 10:00 pm). You don’t want to miss the SPCA Pet Costume Contest!
So, what’s next? It depends on what day you ask me that question. Most days I will enthusiastically reply “Book Three!” Occasionally, I will respond with these four words: “I need a break!” I might try to combine the two. My idea for Book Three will require many hours of research. Therefore, publishing it in 2024 is probably not doable. I also have an idea for a stand-alone story (not related to Books One and Two and potentially Three) that continues to intrigue me. Nevertheless, my journey along this “author of historical fiction" path is inevitable.
Click here for links to Amazon for both books.
I highly recommend finishing “Friend” before starting “Son.”
It’s the holiday season, a good time to remember our many blessings and to hope and pray for peace in our world. I am so very grateful for your attention and your support. Always.
With love, Sally
Sally Jameson Bond is retired and lives in southwest Virginia with her husband Joe and their rescue dog Bart. She is the author of My Mother’s Friend and My Mother’s Son. You can find her web site here: www.sallyjamesonbond.com.
I ordered it today. Tony